Monday, February 5, 2007

What do Primative and Articulate have in common?

Though it's been said before, words aren't just words. They are what defines everything in any society, including people. What's really important is to notice how the way words adapt change everything about its meaning. After that, it's hard to describe something accurately without wondering whether it means what you think it mean, or something else entirely.

One example of this change is how the word queer went from meaning odd to homosexual or effeminate. Now, if someone my age hears someone say queer, they think that it must be a wimpy boy it is referring to. A teacher can't call something queer, meaning strange, without the students, and even some of the teachers, snickering as if someone said a swear word.

Another example is the way dumb is now used. The word went from meaning mute to meaning stupid, or unintelligent. I didn't learn what the word dumb actually meant until I read Helen Keller in 7th grade. Now, if a mute person was called dumb, there would be confusion as to whether it was meant to mean that they can't speak or that they are stupid.

This relates to what was discussed in class because it is all about what we call Native Americans that help define them to those who don't know. The word primitive used to simply mean that there was a lack of technology. The meaning it has adopted recently makes it mean something closer to stupid or simple. Cave people are often described as primitive. Monkeys are often described as primitive. A group of people should never be described as primitive.

All of this ties into political correctness. I heard on CNN (as background noise; I didn't pay full attention to the broadcast) that it was being questioned as to whether it was okay to say articulate. To my knowledge, that means you can speak well, but it was being questioned because it should be assumed that someone in power would obviously be articulate so it wouldn't be a big deal. I don't know if they've spoken with our president recently, but I know that it is untrue. Ones ability to speak isn't the only factor in ones ability to lead.

Either way, if it offends someone to call them articulate because it makes them feel insecure and uncomfortable, then don't say it. I'm not saying anyone should be able to stomp on your first amendment right, but you shouldn't not say it because you're forbidden to do so. Don't do it because it hurts other people. It's not a huge inconvenience to me, and I don't think it would hurt anyone else either to watch what they say.


Autumn said...

"As far as the evolution of Christianity, unless you are catholic, you are not part of original Christianity. You are part of an evolved form. God hasn't changed; the way he's worshipped has."
Christianity acoording to wikipedia is "the christian religion based on the new and the old testament" People throughout time have believed in God the way it is practiced has changed.. but just cause the practice has changed does not mean we dont have the same purpose.. so i gues it depends on how you use the word christianity.. By using the definition in wikipedia we are and still believe the christian faith.. although the practice has changed "evolved" ...
Right i said "we should['t] change the way we talk traditionally because some people don't like it". so we should not change it Merry Christmas is the old way/tradition/ no gay marriage is the old way.. you said that " no one should be favored" by changing it to happy holidays you are favoring the people that dont want merry christmas.. Mabee other traditional things are not corect but just because we change them DOESNOT make them correct either
(I cant do that fancy heart thing that you

KJMelanson09 said...

I do not know which to comment on, so this will do. I absolutely love all of your blogs, your wording is almost perfect. Seriously, this is way too cool. I agree 199%. Yep.
